Centurion Version History 1.48 [Article]
Major update to the Timestamp Processor (TSProcess) to improve the processing of data from RoadRunner 3, Omega X3, Omega G, and Omega Passive IR counters. Includes these new options to the Advanced S...
Centurion Version History 1.46 [Article]
Major change to support multiple remote counter connections at the same time. You can now do multi-counter link with the "Direct Call Directory" or through the map/polling screen link.
Centurion Version History 1.43 [Article]
Build #0001 01/01/17
Added s
Centurion Version History 1.41 [Article]
#0001 06/25/15
Added built
Centurion Version History 1.37 [Article]
Build #0004 12/20/10
Centurion Version History 1.35 [Article]
Build #0001 04/19/09
Centurion Version History 1.36 [Article]
Build #0008 09/08/10
Centurion Version History 1.31 [Article]
Build #0001 04/28/07
Centurion Version History 1.20 [Article]
Build #0001 03/26/04
Centurion Version History 1.10 [Article]
Build #0001 06/24/03
Centurion Version History 1.08 [Article]
1.08 04/03/03
Centurion Version History 1.02 [Article]
V1.02 12/20/02
Database repair and recovery options [Article]
You will first need to identify the current active database folder:
File -> Preferences -> Directories ->
Com Port Conflict with Windows 32-bit Operating System [Article]
Modes, Sensors, and How to Use Them [Article]
Below we discuss the various ways the Phoenix MDK can collect data, and what types of sensors are required to collect each type of data. Please read this sec
Binned Data Error - TrafMan [Article]
Bin Table Definition Not Found - Error Message TrafMan
POLLLOG.DB Error Message Centurion-Gold [Article]
Corrupt file - other than header.
Must Enter A Valid License Code - Error Message Centurion [Article]
You've downloaded and installed the latest version of Centurion software and it has been thirty (30) or more days from the date of the initial ins
Unable to Write - Error Message Centurion CC [Article]
Unable to write to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Diamond\Centurion CC\CCSET.INI
You've installed and licensed the latest ve
30 Day Trail Period Has Expired - Error Message License Code [Article]
30 Day Trail Period Has Expired - Error Message Must enter a valid License Code to continue...