Real Time Clock Adjust During Collection (UPP Series)
Command available in UPP 4.16 and 4.56 and higher Firmware. When subtracting minutes from the clock – This function causes the counter to reset the clock back one minute at the beginning of each new minute for the duration of time you specify. For example, if you tell it to subtract 10 ...
Naming conventions and Station ID’s used in Centurions Database.
It is important to note that the Station ID referenced in Centurion’s Database is the Same Site ID that is referenced in our counters and classifiers. Each Location that you collect data from needs to have a unique name that can NOT be used elsewhere for data collection purposes. If you ...
Piezo Termination for UPP units.
Terminating Piezo sensors usually is done one of two ways. Either the termination is done using a terminal block and then connected to the counter using the UPP piezo harness or by individual BNC connectors. With the Terminal strips the wiring must be done on site to "land" the piezo sensors ...
Default Bin Tables - Pegasus, Phoenix and Unicorn MDK
Overview The tables below describes the default bins categories that are used with the Pegasus, Phoenix and Unicorn MDK units. These “Bins” are used to total up all vehicles meeting a predetermined set of criteria. Note that this information is ONLY to be used if you are seekging ...
What units are compatible with Centurion?
The following is a list for known compatibility: Apollo: All Versions DataHog: 1.50+ Pegasus: 2.39 - 2.45 Phoenix: 2.39 - 2.45 Unicorn: 2.39 - 2.45 Unicorn Limited: All Versions Sprite: 1.40+ Trail Counter: All Versions Some older units can be upgraded to be compatible with Centurion. Contact u ...