Follow these steps to create a shortcut to start Centurion from the Windows desktop with a command line switch:
C:\Program Files\Diamond\Centurion Gold
Note This location of this folder may be different on your system.
"C:\Program Files\Diamond\Centurion Gold\CenturionGold.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Diamond\Centurion Gold\CenturionGold.exe" PORT=1
You could use HyperTerminal (in Windows) to verify COM 1 is working on your workstation.
The command line switch overrides the Communiations Preferences in Centurion so even though the Direct Connect COM Port drop-down box may reflect a different number, the command line switch forces that port to be used.
We cannot confirm that if you change the preference if it overrides back though.
Please note that this is a "work around" and not a fix or patch.